Music Masters and Mistresses Association |
I was President of MMA until May 2005. MMA is the professional forum for music teachers in independent and maintained schools. The MMA is committed to the support of ¨ Music staff in full-time and part-time teaching, and visiting teachers ¨ Heads of department or directors of music managing their departments Professional development and in-service training are provided through ¨ Accredited courses leading to professional qualifications in conjunction with Trinity College London ¨ In-service training courses for aspiring, newly appointed and experienced directors of music ¨ An annual Summer Conference and trade fair ¨ Specialist workshops in conjunction with other professional associations ¨ Area curriculum/training meetings The MMA publishes ¨ A termly journal Ensemble, which includes research, news and classroom ideas ¨ A website ¨ A Yearbook listing membership, opportunities for professional development and relevant reference material ¨ A code of good practice for the engagement of services of visiting music teachers ¨ Guidelines for the employment of directors/heads of music ¨ An annual scholarship handbook Music Awards at Independent Schools ¨ A repertoire guide with programme notes