Schools Music Association of Great Britain |
I was Chairman of SMA from 2002 until October 2005. SMA supports music in schools, And provides a vital link between those working with young people and the policy makers at local, regional and national level. We meet regularly with representatives from DfE, QCA, DCMS, GTC, TTA, DCMS and other statutory bodies to reinforce the place of music in education today. Members include ¨ Teachers in infant, junior and secondary schools (maintained and independent) ¨ Teachers in special schools and colleges ¨ Musicians who work within education and the community ¨ Music centres, services and agencies ¨ Inspectors, advisors and consultants ¨ Schools, colleges and libraries ¨ Local authorities, adjudicators and festival organizers ¨ Publishers, manufacturers, music shops and others within the music trade The SMA ¨ Influences national policy ¨ Contributes to continuing professional development ¨ Has an established regional network ¨ Produces a termly magazine ¨ Has a website which includes information and resources ¨ Organises national conferences and local workshops ¨ Has links with other music organisations